Charlotte Findeling (GE 2003) and Emmanuel Cotsoyannis (GE 2003) were among the 22 French entrepreneurs who took part in the YES G20 in Mexico, on the fringe of the G20 meeting at Los Cabos.
From 2 to 5 June, these two young business owners were able to meet over 300 entrepreneurs from around the world, talking to emblematic personalities from the international entrepreneurial ecosystem!
The entrepreneurs and chairmen of each delegation met for 2 working sessions organised by EY and Mc Kinsey, discussing entrepreneurship development issues like drivers of growth and job creation, particularly for young people.
Charlotte Findeling and Emmanuel Cotsoyannis hoped that the 5 measures included in the communiqué would spark interest among the global leaders at Los Cabos on the 18th and 19th June, and that their message would be added to the final minutes of the G20 meeting.
The French delegation is now going even further... organising meetings to turn these ‘macro’ measures into concrete actions for France.
Our two entrepreneurs are now working on a new communiqué that covers a number of actions to be addressed regarding entrepreneurial culture, access to finance, the collaborative eco-system and the legal/fiscal environment.
These proposals will be handed to Fleur Pellerin (delegate Minister for productive turnaround, responsible for SMEs, Innovation and the Digital Economy) during the PME Salon Planète (Global SME Fair) that Charlotte will attend on 28 June.
Below is the final communiqué that was handed to the President, Felipe Calderon, on June 5th.
> le CP G20 YES final français et anglais
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