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Vote for our 3 EDHEC Entrepreneur awards




The next EDHEC Rendez-Vous will take place on 14th of June all over the world. As every year, three awards will recognize the career of graduates of our network.

EDHEC Entrepreneur of the Year award

The EDHEC Entrepreneur of the Year award is given in recognition of a top executive’s exceptional career and the performance of their company. It is awarded to an EDHEC graduate entrepreneur who, through their appetite for risk and perseverance, has contributed to the image of EDHEC as a creator of talent.
At the head of a company posting sales of at least €3 M or an equivalent KPI, their audacity, sense of innovation and unique vision of their profession make them stand out in their sector, region or country.


EDHEC Start-up Founder of the Year award

To showcase the variety of EDHEC talents in the field of entrepreneurship, for the first time this year we will be voting for the EDHEC Start-up Founder of the Year.
This award is given in recognition of a start-up founder in business for under 3 years and with sales of more than €250 K euros or which has successfully raised at least €250 K.


EDHEC Socially Responsible Entrepreneur of the Year award

Created in 2011, this award is given in recognition of an EDHEC graduate’s exceptional career path and social and/or economic impact as part of an association/NGO or socially responsible organisation. The winner can be an entrepreneur from the social and solidarity economy. The winning association/NGO or organisation places values of citizenship and social and environmental responsibility at the heart of its activities. It is open to the world and advocates acts of solidarity.
Within the organisation, the winning graduate:
- plays a crucial role and makes a strong contribution to its development;
- may have successfully led a major project with a social and/or economic impact.



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Only EDHEC Alumni members can vote for candidates.
You have until midnight on 5 June to vote. The result will determine the 3 finalists for the award.

The selection committee will then choose the 2018 winner from those finalists. The jury is as follows:

- Director of EDHEC Alumni, Martin Barbier
- Director of the EYE incubator, Jean-Michel Ledru
- Business Angels Club ambassador, Anne-Sophie de Gabriac
- Club Entreprendre ambassador, Jean Houzé de l’Aulnoit
- EDHEC Alumni administrator, Frédérique Cartalas
- Winner of the 2017 EDHEC Socially Responsible Entrepreneur of the Year award, Augustin Jaclin
- Winner of the 2017 EDHEC Entrepreneur of the Year award, Aurélien Leprêtre

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