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Financial Times Executive Education 2018 ranking - EDHEC confirms its strong progress in global ranking




EDHEC Business School continues to make progress in the Financial Times Executive Education global ranking of Open Programmes published today.

EDHEC Business School, the biggest riser in the French arena: +11 positions

EDHEC Business School continues to make progress in the Financial Times Executive Education global ranking of Open Programmes published today. After rising 11 places in two years (37th, equal with ESCP), EDHEC Business School now ranks among the top three French 'Grande Ecole' worldwide. EDHEC Business School was also placed 27th in the annual ranking of Custom Programmes, thereby putting it 31st  worldwide in the combined ranking.

For Benoit Arnaud, Associate Dean for Executive Education and MBAs, “This latest international ranking from the Financial Times (following the FT Global MBA 2018 ranking) confirms our position as 3rd among prestigious French schools. It also underlines EDHEC’s agility and capacity to develop an innovative range of training solutions closely tailored to the needs of businesses and senior executives.”

An increasingly international and digital range of training programmes

EDHEC executive education offer was reinforced this year with:

  • a new 100% online and interactive format for managers on the certified programme “Management Development Programme”
  • a new “Digital Innovation” track within the EDHEC Global MBA, co-produced with IBM France and focusing on artificial intelligence issues

French business schools in this year’s Financial Times rankings:

To read the full ranking, please visit the Financial Times Executive Education website here >>

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