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The Jérôme Gayet Foundation launches its second call for proposals to support innovative social entrepreneurs!




The Jérôme Gayet Foundation, with the backing of EDHEC Alumni, has launched its second call for proposals to support innovative social entrepreneurs! Unlike 2020, candidates in 2021 can be located in the Hauts-de-France or Ile-de-France regions.

The chosen projects will benefit from support lasting 18 months including:

  • Personalised mentoring,
  • Access to a group of altruistic experts,
  • Visibility across the Foundation’s network of top executives and entrepreneurs,
  • €10,000 in financing to get started. The selected projects will have the chance to benefit from further assistance during the support period, subject to their needs.

The beneficiary projects and structures will have to be in the public interest, with the primary goal of helping people detached from the job market to find stable and lasting employment.

The call for proposals runs from 8 March to 9 April 2021. Applications are free and confidential (restricted to the Jérôme Gayet Foundation selection committee). They will be evaluated in April and May.

Feel free to spread the word within your network. We are available if you have any questions.

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We are looking forward to hearning from you,

Team Jérôme Gayet Foundation



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