The EDHEC Rendez-Vous are always eagerly awaited by all you, alumni of our fine school. But what are they going to come up with that's new? you ask. This year, an international Festival wind blew over the event, with a desire to get together and celebrate: to celebrate our pride in being EDHEC, our successes, and the School's performance, both today and tomorrow, as the dates more or less coincided with the announcement of the new Generations 2050 strategic plan. #proudlyEDHEC
EDHEC Rendez-Vous: an unprecedented international success
A total of 67 cities around the world have or will be celebrating the event, compared with 38 last year! nearly 3,000 EDHEC graduates will have gathered in 32 countries! 🤩
As usual, San Francisco got the ball rolling on May 2, led by Patricia Vinant, our Country Manager for the USA zone, who then moved on to Miami and Los Angeles.
The prize for the most last-minute club goes to Montreal, with its EDHEC Rendez-Vous which will only take place on July 23.
Congratulations to the new cities, such as Doha, Lima and Florence , which have rallied round to welcome their alumni communities. Frankfurt and Abidjan were also very busy, more than doubling their registration numbers. London and New York also broke records. In London, the event took place at the Royal Drury Lane Theatre, home of the musical Frozen. It was an opportunity for our country manager Audrey Haverkamp and her team to sing an adaptation of the famous hit in the promotional video!
Other original activities? The boat theme was very popular, as the EDHEC Rendez-Vous events in Sydney, Miami, Dubai and Hong Kong took place on the water... As for Bangkok, it was bowling that brought the alumni together for their first event of this kind!
In France, the EDHEC community was incredibly mobilized in Paris, with a record-breaking 1,000 participants and laudatory reviews (see article on the evening). Lille and especially Nice, driven by the EDHEC Alumni team, were not to be outdone. "Incredible location and great conviviality", "Exceptional setting, delicious buffet, top-notch musical atmosphere, very friendly organizers and guests" are the verbatims that come back often...
Thanks to the efforts of our ambassadors in various French cities, we were also able to organize some great EDHEC Rendez-Vous events in Bordeaux, Lyon, Marseille, Nantes, and Rennes, among others.
Well done to all the ambassadors and country managers who made this success possible! We would also like to thank all the alumni who created a buzz on social networks with posts encouraging their EDHEC community to join them on the day.
Discover the EDHEC Rendez-Vous of this 2023 edition
Some souvenir photos
To see more photos: EDHEC Rendez-Vous 2024 - Flickr Album
Didn't know there was an EDHEC Rendez-Vous near you?
Go to your local club 's page to sign up, and search for the club on LinkedIn too. Make sure your personal address and email address are up to date in your account. You'll then receive all local invitations.
Check the site's calendar page for upcoming EDHEC Rendez-Vous. You can sort by city or club.
Contact us:
Margot Doye, International Clubs Manager
Stéphanie Painchault, French Club Manager

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