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Joint interview with a recruiter and his EDHEC intern at Renault




Olivier Gautier (EDHEC Master 1997) is among those graduates who have long been involved in the life of the EDHEC Alumni network, where he now serves as Vice President of EDHEC Alumni. Just one of the many successes in his career so far, EDHEC has Olivier to thank for its privileged links with Renault, where he works as Senior Manager and Head of the Direct Sales Customer Department. He is also EDHEC Ambassador at the automotive firm.

Hippolyte Lemonnier, a 4th-year student on the EDHEC International BBA programme, found the ideal internship to complete his studies. And with a sigh of relief too, since the prevailing economic climate considerably complicates the task for him and his classmates. He joins Olivier’s Direct Sales team in France as Assistant Senior Manager.





Tell us about the recruitment process.

The process for recruiting interns at Renault is efficient and quick: we publish the internship offer and then run interviews with preselected applicants. I also reached out to the EDHEC Career Centre and my own EDHEC network, as well as relying on social media via LinkedIn.
Of the 6 chosen applicants, 3 of whom were from EDHEC, Hippolyte Lemonnier stood out during the interview with his enthusiasm for Renault and the internship offer, and did a great job pitching his experience and career ambitions. Above all I’m looking for passionate people who are willing to learn and help develop our business.
I’m very confident in his ability to succeed and make the most of his internship here at Renault, as well as make a positive contribution to our commercial projects. 

Why choose an EDHEC student to accompany you?

EDHEC students (whether BBA or Master) quickly adapt to their environment, display humility and take initiatives, and they are also enthusiastic and thorough. Of course I choose applicants not based on the school they attended but on their personality and profile. But faced with two equivalent skillsets, I will always choose the EDHEC applicant. We share the same values, whatever the generation.

There are many EDHEC graduates at Renault. How do you explain their success? 

The company offers many career opportunities across the full range of professions linked to the educational programmes available at EDHEC, particularly in marketing, finance/management control, procurement or auditing for example. Renault’s international development, as well as its product plans and the offer of new connected services make it even more attractive.
Renault is also an employer that offers significant autonomy in one’s everyday work and decision-making, with a rapid impact on its development. It is also easy to regularly move up the ladder within the firm.
EDHEC graduates naturally succeed in this environment because they are open-minded and benefited from a great education, but also have the ability – often tested at the School – to think outside the box and act differently. They know how to leave their mark and always do so with humility.

What does your role as EDHEC ambassador at RENAULT involve?

It’s above all about bringing the EDHEC network together within Renault by keeping members informed about the School’s latest news, facilitating links with the Career Centre when it comes to looking for interns or apprentices, and developing collaborative projects between Renault and EDHEC.
For example, I regularly facilitate contacts between Human Resources at Renault and EDHEC. I’m constantly in touch with the School Relations office and many EDHEC services and I’m always happy to tell students about the company and career opportunities available. 

What are some of the recent actions you have taken to strengthen the links between Renault and EDHEC?

I recently took part in the EDHEC Master Class. The School Relations office at Renault asked me to present my background in sales & marketing for 20 minutes to more than 100 EDHEC students: I gave a presentation in English, and there was a questions & answers session and an open discussion afterwards with all the different students. These kinds of encounters are always enriching.
Again in close cooperation with the School and the School Relations office, we ran a virtual roundtable discussion with 3 EDHEC graduates from Renault for the EDHEC Forum in January 2021. We presented jobs and careers in finance, auditing and marketing. I served as the moderator.
Finally, I produce 2 internal newsletters each year which are a way to strengthen the links between EDHEC graduates within Renault across generations.
And over the next few days we will be launching a Renault/EDHEC sponsorship scheme, the first of its kind.
So there are great prospects to further develop the Renault brand at EDHEC and attract even more students! #MakeanImpact

What impact are the current economic climate and health crisis having on students looking for internships?

The fourth-year internship is essential and crucial in pursuing our studies, particularly when it comes to choosing a master’s programme and a subsequent career. The economic climate and health crisis have added challenges like the fall in the number of internship offers, with internships mainly being run remotely and more difficult recruitment methods whereby interviews are held by videoconference, which can sometimes make them run less smoothly. 

How did you go about your internship search?

Despite the difficulties I faced, I was able to apply on several job offer websites like JobTeaser. The EDHEC Career Centre was able to give me advice and help me find solutions despite the pandemic. As for my preparation for the interview at Renault, which was held remotely, I approached it as I would any other interview. But because I couldn’t attend in person, I had to make sure in advance that I had a good internet connection and that I was in a quiet spot where the interview could take place in optimal conditions.

Do you have any advice for students still looking for an internship?

Keep an eye out and react quickly to the internship offers that the Career Centre regularly sends out by email. It’s a fantastic opportunity to find an internship, as the offers mostly come from EDHEC alumni, which makes it easier to communicate and increases your chances of being recruited.

Were you aware of the extent of the EDHEC network at Renault? How do you intend to make the most of the EDHEC Alumni network in the future?

It was only when I joined Renault that I quickly realised that the EDHEC network had a strong presence, like my internship manager Olivier Gautier, who is an EDHEC graduate from the class of 1997 and EDHEC ambassador at Renault. And so I really want to make the most of this opportunity and seize the chance to meet and talk to EDHEC Alumni members, while at the same time developing my own network within the company.

What are the main challenges you’ll face during your internship at Renault?

During this six-month internship, I will be required to work on several missions, including the implementation and monitoring of performance indicators (delivery, turnaround times for body-to-chassis mounting, fleet management) and strengthening customer relations in the Direct Sales department.

Can you tell us about the International Business Track specialisation on the EDHEC International BBA programme?

The International Business Track on the EDHEC International BBA programme is run entirely in English and includes several specialisation choices: marketing, finance and entrepreneurship. I opted to specialise in entrepreneurship. It covers a range of general subjects (marketing, finance, human resources, etc.) that should help me advance towards a master’s in procurement and imports/exports.





Students, do you want support in your search for an internship or first job? Remember to connect to the online job board offered by the EDHEC Career Centre, in order to access exclusive offers from the EDHEC Alumni network. Also have the online directory reflex, in which EDHEC Resources are ready to answer questions from other members of the EDHEC Alumni network.

Graduates, do you want to establish close links between your company and EDHEC? Contact Thibault VICQ (, Alumni Relations Manager, who can guide you towards any initiatives already underway within your professional environment, or give you all the keys to become yourself EDHEC ambassadors within of your company. The missions of the company ambassador cover a wide scope, from community animation to privileged contact with professional or international EDHEC Alumni clubs.


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