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Entrepreneurship : Claire Rabet (2008) -




Claire Rabet (on the right)
Grandes Ecoles program – Specialized in Marketing – Class of 2008
Co-creator of Sister Media & Co with Valérie Rabet (on the left) (
II/ Business Creation Project:
Definition of the product, the market and the target:
Consulting and assistance agency for sales development and marketing
Our advice is provided through analyzing the reference market, determining a sales strategy, prospecting, establishing a presence through the creation of marketing and communication tools and participating in various events (shows, fairs, having a web page, networking, having client lunches).  
We offer our clients help on an ad hoc basis, when they have a lot of work or a major event coming up, for example.  This makes it possible for them to avoid hiring temp workers or being caught short-handed.  But we also offer help on a daily basis, in their offices, for all steps of the strategy through project follow-up.  
Size of the team (including EDHEC): 
2 people, 1 from EDHEC
Capital raised or to be raised: 
5, 000 euros
Project originality
The idea for our project came from the observation that:
•    Small and medium-sized companies (micro businesses, SME’s, associations, local authorities) often do not have the financial or human resources nor the capability to meet their sales and communication needs.  
•    These kinds of companies also do not use “big” advertising agencies or telemarketing platforms, as they are too costly and unaffordable.  

Yet small companies also need to communicate and find new development opportunities.  
Sister Media & Co meets this demand by offering low-cost services:  with reduced fixed costs and variable costs corresponding to commissions on obtained budgets.  It is cost-effective for the client and provides him with out total commitment.  
The other original aspect of Sister Media & Co is our collaboration with two partner-providers, which makes it possible for us to offer our clients overall communication at a better price.  These partners are a graphic and web creation company in the Greater Paris area and an audio-visual company located in London.  
Growth prospects:
Since our creation in 2009, we have two clients we have been working with on an annual basis and we have done a sales event for a third.  Our turn over in December 2009 was €8, 000, and by the end of 2010 we hope to be at €40, 000.  
III/ What do you expect from the EDHEC network?
Through the EDHEC network, we hope to contact and meet entrepreneurs and workers from all sectors who are interested in developing their sales and communications.  
Of course, we also hope to be able to share our knowledge and experience with other entrepreneurs or individuals in the consulting and communication business.  

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