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The new web page is unveiled!

EDHEC in the press



After the start-up of our new website last November,, it is now time for Careers to create a new platform:  It was created to meet several different objectives:  to bring together three of the main components of the EDHEC Group:  you, the students and alumni, but also companies, all around a common theme:  the career.  
Bringing these three groups together on a single collaborative web page has never been done before in Europe.  It will also be useful to students and graduates from other EDHEC Group programs in managing their careers (offers, relevant information, distance coaching, ...) and will furthermore provide partner companies with a simple and efficient way to contact potential candidates (targeted offers, on-line CV library, video CV’s, interactive programs).  Lastly, finding new partner companies, especially abroad (with the bilingual platform), is one of the main challenges facing the Careers and Companies department.  
Other new services for students and alumni have been set up as well:  managing multiple CV’s, having more flexibility in terms of push mail, being able to directly present an offer for an internship/job and follow consultations, having direct access to the file of the graduate who made the offer (network effect), and having direct access to EDHEC partner companies.  
And this is just the beginning.  Many other functions will be unveiled in the coming weeks…

Manuelle Malot (1986)
Directeur Carrières / Careers Director

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