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EDHEC Alumni Mentoring Program: let's value mutual aid for better success




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We are currently assembling the 14th class of our mentoring program!

Register now if you want to participate to the mentoring program as a mentor or a mentee to benefit from help in your projects.

On Thursday 24th of September, the mentoring webinar will enable the new promotion participants to meet their pairs. Some participants of the previous promotion will also share their mentoring experiences.

I register as Mentor

I register as Mentee


About the STREAM mentoring programme

Initiated in 2014, the objective of our STREAM (Share Transmit Reinforce EDHEC Alumni Mentoring) programme is to make it easier for young (or not that young !) graduates to succeed in career transitions by putting them in touch with an experienced graduate who may have similar responsibilities or work in the same area or may have had a similar experience. Mentors are paired with their mentees and then meet at least once monthly for a period of five months. The mentoring relationship is based on objectives that are predefined by the two graduates. 

Various tools, guides and training sessions are available to all participants to ensure a successful outcome.

> Click here to get more information about the Mentoring Programme 

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