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Choiseul 100: Philippe de Chanville (EDHEC Master 2003), cofounder of MANOMANO is ranked 1st





Every year the Choiseul institute publishes its much-anticipated rankings of the 100 most promising young French top executives. They are all aged under 40 and play a major role in the French economy.

We are very proud to announce that Philippe de Chanville, who graduated from EDHEC in 2003, tops the Choiseul 100 rankings in 2020. Philippe is co-founder of ManoMano, , an online platform that specialises in DIY and gardening. He set up this marketplace in 2013 alongside Christian Raisson, another EDHEC graduate (class of 1994).

With 3.5 million active customers, 420 employees and an offer of 4 million SKUs online, ManoMano is a veritable success story à la française!
Less than one year after its first fundraising campaign raised €110 million, the business raised another €110 million in January to accelerate its growth in Europe. Its aim is to develop its business by targeting professionals and offering services.

You can read Philippe de Chanville's full profile in the Figaro Magazine article, which has the exclusive story of the Choiseul 100 rankings. 

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