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A fantastic adventure with Family Pickers and Marianne Joint-Narcisio (EDHEC 2010)




Marianne Joint-Narcisio (EDHEC 2010) launches its own company that combines travel, art and developement of an unusual project : Family Pickers . We let you discover with Marianne , the details of this adventure ...

The project
FAMILY PICKERS is a company dedicated to the promotion and sale of art and antiques in a unique and interactive way with a taste of family and adventure. 
The project of FAMILY PICKERS is divided into 3 stages:

2015 - 2017: In order to promote our brand and our online boutique of art and antiques:, we are traveling the world in a motorhome with our two children to meet talented artists. This human life story will be behind 3 main marketing tools directed to the general public and putting forward family and artistic values:
1. A family and cultural documentary life show in 4 languages (French, English, Spanish, Portuguese) broadcasting our adventures and the testimony of each artist we meet. Find below the trailer of our adventures.
This is for example an interview with the Franco-Moroccan artist Amina Ighra produced and broadcasted on 22/01/2015 on our You Tube channel
2. Publication of a Comic Strip and/or a book retracing our adventures.
3. Creation of an educational video game on the subjects of travel, treasure and art hunting, culture and family.. 

2018 - 2020: We will continue promoting FAMILY PICKERS but with shorter trips. Indeed, our main goal during this phase will be the creation of a GALLERY - RESTAURANT - BAR including exhibitions and auctions of art and antiques as well as a high quality French cuisine. Our goal is to target a wealthy audience who has the possibility to purchase the pieces on display. This first GALLERY - RESTAURANT - BAR will be an example for the sale of franchises worldwide.

2020 – 2023 : Creation of a Fine Art University with the participation of artists we personally encountered during our travels who are the most representative of their field. We will teach techniques from around the world on all types of materials.

The team 
Marianne Joint (EDHEC) and her husband co-founder Eduardo Narcisio de Oliveira, Brazilian, 15 years of project management experience in construction and a successful experience as entrepreneur in Brazil (contracts under management of up to 5 million euros per year).A freelance Webmaster is helping us on the website.

Capital raised and to be raised 
Capital raised: € 70,000
Capital to be raised:

• From 2015 to 2017: 300,000 euros
• From 2018 to 2020: 500,000 euros for the creation of GALLERY - RESTAURANT - BAR and franchise brand
• From 2020 to 2023, between 10 and 15 million (for the purchase of a land and construction of the Fine Art University, depending on the location)

Originality of the project
Our approach: direct and informal relationship between the artist, FAMILY PICKERS and the client, unique in the world of art where intermediaries often prevent a real and authentic contact with the artist.

Growth perspective
• The Art market online is still underdeveloped and presents great opportunities. Our unique marketing approach will keep this informal spontaneity art lovers want to see in the Artists. 
• The sale of international franchises will be an important factor of growth and will spread our values and our brand
• The Fine Art University will be the fulfilment of our project in the continuity of the knowledge, experiences and meetings we had during our travels.

Expectations from the EDHEC Alumni network
During our trip, we are meeting the EDHEC International Clubs everywhere we go. This is for us a unique opportunity to build a network of contacts and potential partners essential to achieve the four following objectives:

• Promotion of our adventures on all types of media (Newspaper, TV, Radio, Internet)
• Fund raising with sponsors and investors interested in Family Values, Culture, Art and Adventure we put forward
• Professional Broadcasting of our documentary serie by production companies and audio-visual companies
• Promotion of our brand through the publication of Comics Strip and Educational Video Games with artistic and family values.

More information / +33 (0)6 50 70 29 69
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