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7th edition of Ambassador's Day: all for one to boost the EDHEC brand




Saturday 27 January, 9:30 am. A group of around 100 ambassadors and trustees came together for a day-long event on EDHEC’s Paris campus. Objective: Create synergies to rock your EDHEC network!

All for one to boost the EDHEC brand

The 7th edition of Ambassador’s Day was an opportunity for some of the EDHEC brand’s key promoters to come together and discuss the issues currently facing the school and work together to further improve the brand’s reputation and help keep their communities active in 2018.

  • 80 ambassadors from local, professional and leisure clubs. 20 countries were represented.
  • representing EDHEC: Emmanuel Métais (Dean of EDHEC), Alessia Di Domenico (Director of EDHEC International BBA), Richard Perrin (International Relations), Jean-Michel Ledru (EDHEC Young Entrepreneurs) and Sabine Courouble (EDHEC Giving)
  • representing the graduate associations: Emmanuelle Guilbart, President of EDHEC Alumni, and Sylvain Laviolette, EDHEC BBA Alumni trustee, as well as permanent association members with whom they work on a daily basis to keep their communities dynamic.

Four priorities for the EDHEC network in 2018:

  • Create an association that brings together all graduates from the EDHEC group. This project will be made official at the AGM on 19 March.
  • Continue to increase the international dimension of services and local activities.
    New synergies established between graduates and the school: country managers who represent EDHEC in New York, London, Singapore, Geneva, New Delhi and Seoul / International Advisory Board / Asset management training programme with EDHEC Risk Institute
  • Increase the pace of digitalisation of available tools
    New website and mobile app soon to be launched. Communication on conferences made available via streaming and viewable on demand.
  • Train super connectors
    New tools have been put in place to facilitate the work of our ambassadors. Jean-Michel Ledru, who has been supporting the start-ups incubated at EDHEC since 2010, also organised a short training course for graduates present to teach them how to better “pitch” their club.

Collaborative work

After lunch, when everyone took the time to get to know each other a bit better, the afternoon included a series of excellent presentations on best practices by our Berlin, Switzerland, Finance and EDHEC in Tech clubs. This was also an opportunity to discover the latest club to join the adventure: EDHEC Cycling club.
Our ambassadors then divided into working groups to make progress on the key challenges in running the network.

A day of exchanges and brainstorming that was highly productive for ambassadors and above all for our network!
Congratulations to all our volunteer ambassadors: your enthusiasm is contagious and promises great things for 2018!
So mark your diaries: 14 June for the BBA Paris reunion and EDHEC Rendez-Vous.

> Complete photo report of the day’s events: 27 January 2018

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