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Exclusive free blended learning programme by EDHEC-Risk Institute and EDHEC Alumni






EDHEC-Risk Institute and EDHEC Alumni are pleased to invite you to
their exclusive 2017/2018 learning programme  

Thoughts on the Future 
of the Investment Management Industry:
From Investment Products to Investment Solutions

Investment management is justified as an industry only to the extent that it can demonstrate a capacity to add value through the design of dedicated meaningful investor-centric investment solutions, as opposed to one-size-fits-all manager-centric investment products. After several decades of relative inertia, the much needed move towards investment solutions has been greatly facilitated by a true industrial revolution triggered by profound paradigm changes in terms of mass production, mass customization and mass distribution.

As part of their efforts to reach out to the EDHEC community, EDHEC-Risk Institute and EDHEC Alumni are proud to provide EDHEC Alumni members with a free flexible blended learning programme and give them  access to the latest academic breakthrough and industry practices.


Time commitment: 1 flexible hour per month from 15 December 2017 to 15 May 2018 + 1 meeting in Paris Thursday, June 28th 2018, 19pm on Paris Campus

Format: Self-paced with live meetings during summer 2018
A new one hour video course will be made available online each month as of 15 December 2017. Participants can study the course at their own pace. Dedicated onsite meetings will be held in major financial centers and/or cities where EDHEC Alumni are strongly represented (such as Paris, London, New York, Geneva, Singapore,  Mumbaï : all places to be confirmed) to meet and ask questions to Lionel Martellini.

Faculty: Professor Lionel Martellini, Professor of Finance at EDHEC Business School and Director of EDHEC-Risk Institute, PhD Berkeley
A seasoned instructor who combines academic expertise and industry experience

Language: English

Price: Free for EDHEC Alumni


Replay of the meeting Thursday, June 28th 2018 on Paris Campus:


Programme Overview (Password: Alumni2018):  

Digital content: Introduction webinar on Tuesday 14 November 

– Webinar: Programme overview and Q&A session  Watch the replay here

Digital content: Mass-Production in Investment Management

– Video 1: The Passive versus Active Debate Watch the video here 

– Video 2: From Lazy Beta to Smart Beta Watch the video here 

Digital content: Mass-Customization in Investment Management

– Video 3: Liability-Driven Investing & Goal-Based Investing Watch the video here 

– Video 4: From Investment Products to Investment Solutions Watch the video here 

Digital content: Mass-Distribution in Investment Management

- Video 5: Digital Disruption in Investment Management Watch the video here 

– Video 6: From Robo-Advice to Artificial Intelligence 

Onsite presentation: Industrial Revolution in Investment Management

–  Talking about EDHEC and Beyond

–  EDHEC and the Detection of Gravitational Waves - Only if You Insist!


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