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Call for survey participation: "Professional ambition, multiple perspectives for men and women"




The Think Tank team of PWN Paris is launching a survey, addressed to both men and women, on the very interesting topic of “Professional ambition, multiple perspectives for men and women”.
All PWN networks in the world and numerous other professional networks in France are involved.

Could you please contribute to this global project by completing the questionnaire? 
The questions deal with your perceptions, your experience and your projections for the future on this topic. The survey should take you about 20 minutes. You can answer in either French or English via the same link. Your replies will be anonymous.

You’ll then be invited to a great event to be organized at the end of the year in Paris to share the results of this global survey.

> To take part in the survey, please click here

Thank you in advance for your contribution to this collective adventure, initiated by PWN Paris.

Your input will be invaluable for the whole programme. 




Patricia Wyckhuys (Project Leader)

Magali Baton, Lucile Gubler, Romaine Johnstone, Isabelle Monset (Project Team)

Corinne Hirsch (VP Think Tanks)




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