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Yoon-Joo Jee (EDHEC Master 2016) presents Snowball Effect




Tell us about yourself.

My name is Yoon-Joo, and I’m an EDHEC alumna (Master 2016). I’m the co-founder of Snowball Effect.

Can you tell us briefly how your project came about?

This project is based on two observations.

First, there are many social entrepreneurs who struggle during the first stages of the entrepreneurial adventure: finding an idea and successfully launching a business. More than 9 out of 10 entrepreneurs abandon in the early stages.

Second, for many social enterprises, it is difficult to roll-out their solutions elsewhere and develop them, which can be very long and costly.

We decided to address these problems by creating Snowball Effect!

Tell us about your business.

Snowball Effect is a school for entrepreneurs based on inspiration, learning about and replicating the models of social enterprises that have proven to be successful.

We enable the best social enterprises to develop in other regions by training all those interested in entrepreneurship in the fundamentals of existing successful concepts.

This approach allows them to save time and develop businesses with solid and lasting foundations. Snowball Effect encourages collaboration between entrepreneurs: today’s societal and environmental challenges mean we have to work together to boost companies that have a positive impact.

What is your initial assessment of this entrepreneurial adventure?

It’s still early to tell, but we are already clearly seeing enthusiasm for our vision, which is to propose a new way of tackling entrepreneurship. We encourage people to share, exchange views and orient their actions towards the kind of positive impact they can have on society.

What advice do you have for young entrepreneurs?

Find a project that excites you to your very core. Entrepreneurship is a rollercoaster ride. Some mornings will be tough, so you’d better find an area that really interests you so you can maintain your motivation in the long term. Take inspiration from what has already proven successful and contact your competitors. The contemporary era is more about collaboration than competition when it comes to resolving society’s problems!

What’s next for Snowball Effect?

We’ll be launching training courses to help participants find their dream project.

We also plan to make our online classes available to the wider public so as many people as possible can learn what it means in concrete terms to replicate a social enterprise.

What are your expectations from the community of Alumni? 

Advice and new contacts are always welcome!

If you know any young entrepreneurs who need a helping hand to get started, tell them about the Snowball Effect initiative :)


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