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With Telmee, Emilie Alaoui (EDHEC Master 2003) gives high energy back for the teams!




Telmee is a 100% digital team-building concept that boosts staff morale by helping them transform their emotions into energy through various workshops! What’s the goal? Cohesion, commitment and well-being in the (remote) workplace!


What’s your competitive advantage?

We tackle subjects relating to personal development, in our case emotional intelligence, in a way that is fun and using our own specific method, a remote experiment during which participants lose sense of time and emerge feeling better and enriched through learning.


Tell us how your company came about.

We are both passionate about emotional intelligence and initially worked on a method to help participants express and identify their emotions through movement. Having seen first-hand the malaise of employees and the current difficulty for managers of keeping staff committed and avoiding psycho-social risks, we adapted our method to turn it into a formula midway between team-building and training. Participants walk away “full of pep” and feeling enriched by what they have learned about their emotions and various disciplines that help express them.


Tell us about your entrepreneurial streak. 

We are both entrepreneurs at heart. Emilie spent more than 15 years in major entertainment firms and subsidiaries with a strong entrepreneurial mindset, and she first tried out intrapreneurship before taking the decision to jump in the deep end! Santiago has always been enterprising, working in the culture and entertainment sector. Our paths crossed at the right time, and now we are delighted to be navigating this rollercoaster of entrepreneurship!


Tell us about your team.

We are surrounded by experts who are as competent as they are passionate. We’ve known them for a long time and they didn’t come on board by chance. They all have extensive in-house experience with unusual backgrounds: Rafael is a well-known boxer, Valérie is a Pilates and yoga instructor, Karine is a marketer and dietician, Jean-Baptiste Vincent (EDHEC 2002) recently founded Sketch & Co., and Coralie Robin, also from EDHEC, is a true human resources professional. Together we developed workshops relating to their disciplines. Be sure to test them out :)


Who are your clients strategy?

We target steering committees, operational management and HR departments who are mindful of the well-being and performance of their staff in the current climate. Psycho-social risks and social distancing between employees have never been so important, and the issue of quality of life in the workplace is really topical. We guarantee them not only an enjoyable time spent together, but also tools their staff can use to cope better with these challenging times and maintain the level of commitment and performance companies need.


How are you managing this economic and public health crisis?

Well what we offer now is right on the money, with a 100% digital offer that is high-quality and adapted to the current context. We can bring a response to an urgent need in companies.


Tell us about some of your early successes.

We are just getting off the ground and are delighted with how our project has been received by companies so far! There’s much to be done, and although it’s too early to make an assessment, we can already say that it is important never to give up and to expand your scope to find the right product, adapted to the right market and at the right time.


What is your vision of your business sector? 

We hope to be able to expand these personal development offers with a focus on entertainment, move away from the framework of “top-down” staff training and bring a more experiential dynamic for more concrete benefits.


What support did you receive from the EDHEC Entrepreneurs Incubator?

We approached the EDHEC Entrepreneurs Incubator, and the help we got from Sabrina and Jean-Michel was invaluable in seeing our project through and finding our “essential oil”. We also really appreciate the discussions we had with various mentors, who drew on their respective expertise to challenge us in a well-meaning and constructive way.


What are your expectations from the community of EDHEC graduates?

We need the whole community to help us send out positive vibes to as many companies as possible :) We are also very interested in any feedback about our project and other potential partnerships to develop.


• More informations :

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