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With Ségolène Delahalle (EDHEC 1999), CA ME REGARDE is nominee for the Socially Responsible Organisation Award of 2017




The ambition of ÇA ME REGARDE is to bring solidarity to the corporate world and overcome differences! How? By planning and running solidarity events with the involvement of employees for the benefit of associations that strive to protect the vulnerable or the environment. The hope is also that these displays of solidarity will inspire the daily lives of staff members.

In-house, a teamwork seminar, an integration session, a training course or a rest day can take on a dimension of solidarity. Just one single day can count! It can have an impact on the association, which sees one of its projects become a reality, on the participants, who learn something new about themselves and work on something meaningful, or on the company, which offers its staff members an experience built on strong human values.

ÇA ME REGARDE was set up by Ségolène Delahalle (EDHEC 1999) and Arnaud Fimat and has a strong cooperative dimension: it has the status of a workers cooperative and a shared management system (with gender balance), and staff oversee an internal democracy and run cooperative reflective workshops open to stakeholders (companies, associations, partners). A group photo was a must!
How did CA ME REGARDE come about?

Ségolène and Arnaud worked together at MANUTAN, albeit in different areas (communications for her, real estate for him), and immediately saw eye to eye and complemented each other perfectly. Their involvement in the company’s sustainable development activities led to the first “solidarity rest days”. That idea then developed into something more and together they came up with CA ME REGARDE.

ÇA ME REGARDE in figures:

-          4 employees

-         Involvement with nearly 100 companies, more than one third of which have already signed up for more

-         Involvement of over 5,000 employees

-         Support given to around 60 associations

-         Through more than 210 solidarity initiatives


To find out more about CA ME REGARDE

Visit their website

Explore their video library (testimonials and achievement)

Read their blog


The Edhec of the Year prize

Since 1983, this award has been given annually to a graduate of the School whose professional and personal activities or other specific achievements have contributed to the excellence, development and reputation of EDHEC locally, nationally or internationally. This prize is granted by a Committee of Wise Men & Women.


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