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Vote for the Socially Entreprise of the Year 2017 !





Established in 2011, this award recognizes an EDHEC graduate for an outstanding career and his/her social and/or economic impact within an organization/NGO or social enterprise. He/she may be an entrepreneur in the field of social economy. This association/NGO or company has citizenship and social and environmental responsibility at the heart of its business values. Open to the world, it advocates active solidarity.


Within this entity, this EDHEC :

- Plays a prominent role and has contributed greatly to the development of this association/NGO or social enterprise - Can be successfully materialized and a major project, impacting socially and/or economically.

Vote for the candidate of your choice !

Now it's time for you to vote !

To vote :

Edhec Alumni? Just click here to submit your vote or use our Facebook application here.

Edhec Alumni & Edhec's friend? It's okay, you can vote directly in our Facebook application here.

Therefore, Edhec Alumni vote two times, on Facebook and on the voting module. Each of the two votes counts for 50%.


Feel free to share your vote with a maximum number of friends to support your favorite candidate !


Fresh out of EDHEC, Stéphane started his career in the financial departments of major groups (Whirlpool, Limagrain), before leaving to fulfil his childhood dream of travelling around Latin America on his own. Following this life experience, he felt it was essential to be part of an environment that would satisfy his need for social utility. He approached Action Contre la Faim, who asked him to serve as project leader, overseeing its nutrition, healthcare and water access programmes in South Sudan. This was followed by a series of missions lasting nearly 5 years in Uganda, Ethiopia, Guatemala and Burma, where he witnessed the human rights violations committed by the ruling junta.

In the late 1990s, about to turn 30, he decided to return to France to “build his life here”. His appetite for working on a project of solidarity was still strong, and he came into contact with AERI, an association that uses art therapy to achieve revitalisation and social reinsertion for people facing extreme difficulties (drug addicts, HIV-positive patients, etc.). He served as the association’s finance and operations manager for 3 years, before taking over as CFO at ACTED, while remaining on a voluntary basis on the AERI board of trustees, which he chairs. 

While enjoying the Solidays festival on a June weekend in Paris, he was struck by the enthusiasm and positive energy of the volunteers he saw at this charitable event. A few months later, in 2004, he joined SOLIDARITE SIDA, which organises Solidays, as Secretary General. This association raises awareness of sexual risks (HIV/STDs) among young people and helps patients by supporting around 100 projects in France and elsewhere. He went on to structure its support functions and optimise its innovative economic model, with close links to social entrepreneurship. He now serves as its deputy managing director, with more of a focus on developing its programmes.

What keeps him going after all these years? Taking pleasure from his work, facilitating the emergence of collective dynamics… and experiencing them first-hand!

To find out more about :
  • LEMON TRI with Augustin JACLIN (EDHEC 2010)

Entrepreneur in sustainable development and the social and solidarity economy; has contributed to the launch of several business projects in France, Canada and the US.

In 2010, he co-founded LEMON TRI, an innovative company that recycles drinks packaging through the installation and operation of intelligent collection sites. LEMON TRI recovers millions of packages through “incentivising” units distributed across France and Belgium. Each user who sorts waste is motivated by a fun reward-based system, and each package is 100% recycled as part of a circular economy.

In 2016, to ensure LEMON TRI would have more of a social impact, he launched an outreach subsidiary known as LEMON AIDE in partnership with FACE (Fondation Agir Contre l’Exclusion) and the Danone Fund for Nature. The objective was to facilitate the reinsertion of people outside the job market by providing training in recycling and logistics. The gamble has paid off: LEMON AIDE is currently running its second training course for 8 employees, and the programme’s first beneficiaries experienced a rate of return to employment of 85%.

Augustin is a graduate of EDHEC (GE 2011) and a former participant in Columbia University’s international competition for entrepreneurs: NYC Next Idea. He regularly contributes to conferences and helped to draw up the Attali report, “Pour une économie positive”, submitted to President Hollande. He gives classes on “social entrepreneurship” at EDHEC.

To find out more about : /

Twitter: @augustinjaclin @LemonTri @LemonAideFr


  • CA ME REGARDE with Ségolène Delahalle (EDHEC 1999)

The ambition of ÇA ME REGARDE is to bring solidarity to the corporate world and overcome differences! How? By planning and running solidarity events with the involvement of employees for the benefit of associations that strive to protect the vulnerable or the environment. The hope is also that these displays of solidarity will inspire the daily lives of staff members.

In-house, a teamwork seminar, an integration session, a training course or a rest day can take on a dimension of solidarity. Just one single day can count! It can have an impact on the association, which sees one of its projects become a reality, on the participants, who learn something new about themselves and work on something meaningful, or on the company, which offers its staff members an experience built on strong human values.

ÇA ME REGARDE was set up by Ségolène Delahalle (EDHEC 1999) and Arnaud Fimat and has a strong cooperative dimension: it has the status of a workers cooperative and a shared management system (with gender balance), and staff oversee an internal democracy and run cooperative reflective workshops open to stakeholders (companies, associations, partners). A group photo was a must!
How did CA ME REGARDE come about?

Ségolène and Arnaud worked together at MANUTAN, albeit in different areas (communications for her, real estate for him), and immediately saw eye to eye and complemented each other perfectly. Their involvement in the company’s sustainable development activities led to the first “solidarity rest days”. That idea then developed into something more and together they came up with CA ME REGARDE.

ÇA ME REGARDE in figures:

-          4 employees

-         Involvement with nearly 100 companies, more than one third of which have already signed up for more

-         Involvement of over 5,000 employees

-         Support given to around 60 associations

-         Through more than 210 solidarity initiatives


To find out more about CA ME REGARDE

Visit their website

Explore their video library (testimonials and achievement)

Read their blog



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