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Why join the EDHEC Alumni LinkedIn groups?




You receive the EDHEC Alumni newsletters, read some of the latest news, see some of your old classmates nominated for positions, and perhaps even take part in an event run by the association, so why not follow the 12,500 alumni in the Official Group and join the EDHEC Alumni LinkedIn groups?  

Here are a few incentives:   

  • Sector-specific intelligence and a personal branding tool 

You work in marketing and you know how important business intelligence is, so why not share your best articles with the network? See it as an opportunity to promote your expertise in a specific area to other network members.
Some examples: Human resourcesFinanceEntrepreneurshipMarketingInnovation


  • Discussions on topics that matter to you


Passionate about the environment? Join the Tribu Développement group on social networks and share the latest steps implemented in your firm to support sustainable development. 
Some examples: Tribu DéveloppementAutomobileTechnologyCulture and mediaEDHEC’Elles


  • Recruitment section

If your business is looking for a reliable new team member and you think someone from EDHEC could be suitable, share your job offers across the network!  
Some examples: EDHEC Alumni Official Group or local & international clubs 


  • A place to meet others from the same degree programme

Would you like to get back in touch with your old classmates? Nothing simpler! Meet up with others from your degree programme in a relaxed group setting.  
Some examples: BBA Alumni OfficialEDHEC MBA AlumniEMBA



  • A place to find help and help others

Have you just arrived in a new country? Don’t know too many people around you? Ask for tips from that country’s group – there will always be an alumnus with some ready answers
Some examples: Côte d’AzurHauts-de-FranceWestShanghaïNorth America…  

And if you only choose one, we are ready to welcome you to the EDHEC Alumni Official Group!


Don’t forget to include EDHEC Business School in your educational background on LinkedIn, as only EDHEC graduates are accepted into these groups.  


Whatever you're looking for, you're bound to find a group that's right for you!
And if you can’t find one, why not set one up?

Feeling a bit lost? Want to make the most out of the EDEHC Alumni social accounts? Get in touch with me.

    Adeline Gondoux
Community Manager EDHEC Alumni 








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