Nicolas KALPOKDJIAN (2008), Chairman and Founder of Restolib' has got through to the first round of BFM Academy.
"This involved competing against another entrepreneur in the first round and now it's up to you to choose one of us by voting online on the dedicated website. Voting will be open at 1 pm on 21st January at the end of the programme, and you can help us to go further in the tournament by voting for us. Getting through to the next round will give us a fabulous chance not only to possibly win the final prize (the winner gets a EUR100,000 advertising campaign on BFM Business) but also to get people talking about us.
You can only vote once from any IP address, which is why we'd be really grateful if you could help us to get as many votes as possible:
* by voting from different IP addresses (office, home, mobile phone...)
* by sharing the link with your Facebook contacts, etc.
* by speaking about us with your friends and family
Here's the link to the programme page. You can vote for us at the bottom of the page: Help us by clicking on 'Votez'!!
The whole team would like to thank you for your help and support and for contributing to the development of the Restolib' adventure."
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