In 2017 the EDHEC Business School made progress in several areas that are important to us. Of particular note is the recognition for our Masters in Finance, ranked number 1 worldwide, and the move by the EDHEC incubator to Station F in Paris and the opening of a Master of Science in Data Analytics & Digital Business. Your EDHEC diploma and network are gaining in value as each year goes by. From ambassadors to Edhec resources, donors and recruiters, increasing numbers are contributing to this success. Thank you for your commitment!
I hope you enjoy a wonderful Christmas break! And don't forget: your ambassadors are looking forward to seeing you in the New Year in France and all over the world. Check the schedule for January to find out about upcoming events.
The whole EDHEC Alumni team wishes you a Merry Christmas. See you in 2018 for some exciting surprises.
Martin Barbier
Director of EDHEC ALUMNI

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