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Represent the EDHEC community within your company




Are you in a company with around 30 or more staff members from EDHEC? Why not become a Company Club Ambassador and keep this community active?

The "EDHEC for life" experience extends to the workplace. With a high proportion of EDHEC graduates and students, companies represent a powerful lever to ensure a dynamic alumni community (more than 60 firms employ between 20 and 50 EDHEC alumni / more than 20 firms have more than 50).

The deployment of Company Ambassadors is an integral part of a strategy initiated by EDHEC Business School and EDHEC Alumni to enhance the EDHEC brand, building on the 2020-2025 strategy.

The ambassador becomes the FACILITATOR and INTERLOCUTOR between the school, company and EDHEC Alumni.

Here is the mission of an EDHEC Alumni Company Club Ambassador: 

  • Bring together graduates within the firm: encourage meetings between members by organising relevant events
  • Drive loyalty and network dynamics: facilitate the integration and cohesion of all club members (across all programmes, ages and positions, including new arrivals)
  • Participate and convey: act as a spokesperson for EDHEC and enhance its image in the eyes of your firm's HR

Over to you!

BOUYGUES, RENAULT, WAVESTONE, CAPGEMINI INVENT, AMADEUS, SNCF, KPMG, CARREFOUR … follow the example of these major firms and establish an EDHEC group dynamic within your firm.

For more information, contact

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