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Relive the highlights of the EDHEC Alumni Annual General Meeting




On Thursday 14 January 2021, the first 100% digital edition of the EDHEC Alumni Annual General Meeting was held. We miss the warmth of this meet up and the unexpected opportunities that crop up at each of our on-campus events, but this new format encouraged us to optimise the event by adding a video summary of our activity report as well as testimonials from three graduates and one student who inspired us profoundly with their commitment to the EDHEC network. And of course running the event remotely allowed all students and graduates to take part, whatever region of the globe they live in. 

A near-unanimous vote in support of our work:

- All resolutions were adopted almost unanimously, testament to your confidence in the Association’ work and sound financial management!
- The post-event satisfaction survey showed a positive recommendation rate of 94% and a high level of satisfaction (net promoter score: 62). Well done to Jérémy, Philippe, Emeraude and Thomas for their fabulous testimonials!

Key takeaways from the event: 

Geoffroy Sardin, President of EDHEC Alumni, reminded us all how the health crisis has given impetus to the initiatives and solidarity within the network. He gave a particular mention to the Job-hunting support scheme and the Solidarity fund, both of which are still running. The EDHEC Alumni staff team continued to work throughout the pandemic and the Association’s links with the School have been strengthened through these challenging times. We took inspiration from its Strategic plan to develop our own. 

Emmanuel Métais, Dean of EDHEC, offered a look back at the highlights of 2020 for the School, staff and students and a look ahead at the strategic paths for 2021. 

Martin Barbier and Julien Magnenet, respectively Director and Treasurer of EDHEC Alumni, presented and answered questions about the activity and financial reports before moving on to a vote on the resolutions. 

Read the activity report 
Read the auditor's report

The meeting ended with short testimonials from alumni illustrating the pillars of EDHEC Alumni’s activities. 

with our ambassador in Vietnam, Jérémy ODOUX, EDHEC International BBA 2003



with two participants in the 2020 Job Hunting Support scheme:
the mentor Philippe MERO (EDHEC Master 1987) and his mentee Emeraude MORICE (EDHEC Master 2020)


with Thomas ARNAUDO (EDHEC Master 2013), Founder of

We remain at your disposal to answer all your questions and build together the EDHEC network for 2021. 


The EDHEC Alumni team



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