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Philippe Guerret, Chairman and co-founder of M2I Life Sciences, has just won the Entrepreneur of the Year award

EDHEC in the press



After being voted EDHEC Person of the Year in 2020, Philippe Guerret, Chairman and co-founder of M2I Life Sciences, has just won the Entrepreneur of the Year award for France in the Born Global category.

M2i Life Sciences is a French company founded in 2002 that specialises in sustainable technologies for agriculture and healthcare. 

It offers biocontrol products for organic crop protection and is European market leader in the production and distribution of biocontrol pheromones, which are an alternative to traditional insecticides.

Its ambition is to become the global leader on the market for biocontrol products. 

The Entrepreneur of the Year award is run each year by EY, in partnership with HSBC, Verlingue, Steelcase and Bpifrance.


Click here to see Philippe Guerret’s interview with EDHEC Alumni in July 2020.

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