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Our Graduates makes it easier for students to find their first job in the high-tech industry worldwide




On 4 February, students from the M1 and M2 programmes travelled to campus to meet with graduates from the same courses and talk digital.

A dozen of them made the journey or hooked up via video link from Dublin, San Francisco, Singapore, Paris and Switzerland: Hugo Palis (SAP), Lucas Servant (Ignition Program), Cédric Kachaner (Digital transformers), Alexandre Serres (Amazon), Agnès Perraud and Edouard Carré (LinkedIn), Guillaume Coutinho Fernandes (Salesforce), Enora Zine (Facebook), Loïc Dussart (Viously), Thomas Venturini (Liberkeys); and remotely: Charles Kaïoun (Google) and Alexandre Chaumien (SAP).

This is an event that highlights the value of the EDHEC network and makes it easier for graduates to find their first job in the high-tech industry worldwide.

Alexandre Chaumien and Romain Ricard are behind the initiative for this event, and 6 years later they’re still on board.

Romain told us: "SV @Edhec is an unmissable annual event involving the biggest firms in Silicon Valley, who offer exceptional working conditions, higher salaries than those in consultancy and finance, and above all prospects for career progression unlike any other sector. This event not only gives delegates the chance to meet with representatives from these firms, but to apply directly with support from your graduates and give themselves the best possible chance of success. So don’t miss out!!!"  



Edouard Carré, who was recruited at the event 2 years ago, simply comments that this event is “unmissable”.







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