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News from the EDHEC Alumni professional and leisure clubs : With renewed commitment, join them!




 As we approach the new year, our pro club ambassadors are busier than ever trying to bring you a more varied programme of events, mostly online and in French. Opportunities to meet up, whether you’re living in France or abroad!

And they need you: share your opinion about the scheduled events – and simply take part! It is your contribution that will make their dynamism all the more real! Read on for the latest news and sign up for whatever interests you …



Pitch-tests session and Learning Pills with the Entrepreneurship Club

Two regular sessions feature in the diary of ClubEntreprendre:

> Pitching sessions which give entrepreneurs the chance to rehearse, while other participants can discover the world of entrepreneurship and help out entrepreneurs from EDHEC. The next session, which will be held on Thursday 27 January in French.

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>  Networking sessions for entrepreneurs to discuss a real-life topic of concern to them on a daily basis. The title of the February session is “How to structure your B2B sales”. Join the Club Entreprendre to be informed of the exact date.

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A series of webinars on the customer experience with the Marketing Club 

The first will be held in March. Become a member of the Marketing Club  to keep up to speed!

Click here to become a member

The CV Speed Dating with the Finance club 

These are an opportunity to meet with recruitment agencies and experts on the job market to get advice about your career. Each event will be dedicated to a specific participant profile based on the level of experience and business sector targeted. Become a club member and we’ll let you know by email when registration opens.

Click here to become a member 




The 8th February evening, direction more diversity and inclusion

If you believe it is important for everyone to be treated equally in companies, regardless of their gender, age, sexual orientation or physical capacities, then join us on 8 February and have your say! We aim to create a new club to facilitate the sharing of experiences and knowledge on these issues, reflecting the strong expertise in this area here at EDHEC Business School. The objective is to raise awareness among EDHEC students and graduates and encourage companies to progress on these issues.

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Online discussion about the futur of the Innovation Club

After 2 years of activities, the Innovation Club is delighted to invite you to an online discussion and networking session on Thursday 10 February at 7pm. The club ambassadors would like to get feedback and learn more about your needs in relation to future topics to be addressed and in order to set up a social event.

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Launch of the Reading Club on 18 January at 1pm!

Its ambassadors aim to select books linked to the classes offered at EDHEC (management, personal development or CSR) and then discuss them in small groups and meet with the authors. The kick-off event will be an opportunity to compile a list of books and find out if this could be the club for you …

Click here to join

Launch of the Agri/Agro-Business club on the evening of Tuesday 15 February
The club aims to establish links and give actors from these sectors things to emulate in one another, whether they are employees in major firms or in disruptive innovative structures, including entrepreneurs and freelancers.
Its plans include running conferences on topical issues, perhaps including inspirational figures, as well as initiation/testing sessions with new products, organising guided tours (with an emphasis on chocolate production!), and bringing members together to network.

Click here to join


Upcoming launch of the Data & AI Club

In a world where data & A.I are key factors of changing in business and driving organisation. Edhec alumni is in the process to create the Data & AI club.
Its goal : Unite people who work in this field ; Give the opportunity of a strong network for EDHEC Alumni members ; Get ahead new development
Our future projects :
- Create a team of active volunteers
- Build bridge with the EDHEC Master of science

Your ideas are welcomed !! Pour les partager, contact leurs ambassadrices : 

Sylvie Conan and Valentine Suarez



Conferences of the Culture & Media Club

Through its partnership with the corresponding “Interclubs”, the Culture & Media Club runs major conferences each month. Here are the first events for 2022:
> 19 January at 7pm in Paris and online: “Le droit à la culture et les publics du champ social”
Click here to register

> 9 February at 7pm in Paris and online: “Quels nouveaux dispositifs pour inclure les publics en situation de handicap ?”
Click here to register

> 16 March at 7pm in Paris and online: “Les programmes culturels de l'élection présidentielle”
Click here to register

To learn all about the role of Business Angels

you can attend the monthly meetings held by our partner BADGE, where you will have the chance to listen to 3 entrepreneurs looking for support. This will give you a chance to step into the shoes of a business angel and chat to members of this specialized association.

Become a Club member 
to be informed of the upcoming dates by email


And to read about all the EDHEC Alumni clubs, click here: 

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