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Corporate Clubs: consolidating links between EDHEC and your company




Over the past few years, EDHEC Alumni has been developing its Corporate Clubs to promote the EDHEC brand and its alumni within companies, as well as the school's employer brand.

These clubs are the ideal way to create opportunities for meetings, exchanges and mutual support between EDHEC employees from the same company, and to pass on, support and help recruit future generations.

Over 22 Clubs Entreprises have been set up, headed by 33 ambassadors who work hard throughout the year to maintain this three-way relationship. They all demonstrate their creativity in meeting the expectations of their community: meetings, lunches, afterworks, welcoming new arrivals, taking part in school recruitment events, company visits, etc.

Other clubs are getting busy, and further meetings are being planned to facilitate exchanges between all. 

A huge THANK YOU to our 33 Ambassadors for their involvement in the life of the school and the network.

Discover our 22 corporate clubs

Would you like to find out more about the Corporate Clubs?
Contact Brigitte Maissa, Deputy Director EDHEC Alumni

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