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Kick off Core Team Capgemini Invent






Nearly 60 EDHEC employees working for Capgemini Invent met on the EDHEC Paris campus on September 28 for their "Kick off de Rentrée".
The EDHEC employees working for Capgemini are part of a dynamic Core Team that is involved in the life of the school and the network. Recruiting EDHEC interns and recent graduates, taking part in Career Center events, getting involved in academic projects, sharing expertise and experience with our students and leading the EDHEC community at Capgemini are the main activities of the Core Team .
Each year, the Core Team presents the actions undertaken during the year and its roadmap for the following year at a convivial event to which the 3 stakeholders (the company, EDHEC and EDHEC ALUMNI) are invited.
This year, the EDHEC campus in Paris hosted the Core Team, with speeches by Emmanuel METAIS, EDHEC's Director General, and Laurence METZKE, Capgemini Invent's HR Director, among others.
After the conference, discussions continued over a cocktail reception.

A big thank you to the whole Core Team for their commitment to the school and the network, and in particular to Tanguy Lafay, manager of the EDHEC Core Team, Gabriel Marvier, in charge of the courses run by the firm on the EDHEC campuses, Laura de Oliveira, in charge of integrating EDHEC alumni into the firm, and Renée Viarengo, in charge of the internal life of the EDHEC Core Team.

To find out more about corporate clubs, contact Brigitte Maissa

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