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Jean-Baptiste PIETRI (BBA EDHEC 2005) presents Drone 06




  1. Can you explain briefly how your company came about (activities, team, origins and project originality)?

In its current form, Drone06 came about when I met its founder and now my associate, Sabri Ben Hassen, in 2013. He had been passionate about model aeroplanes for 20 years and was an experienced pilot and initiated the concept in 2008. He was a real pioneer at the time and no doubt one of the first to introduce drones to France.

For my part, after 10 years in an advertising agency, I wanted to try a new challenge but one that would maintain a certain creative sensitivity with a strong emphasis on image. The new tech dimension convinced me and we set up the company together in 2014.

We enjoyed immediate success and signed some big contracts, too. That allowed us to quickly stabilise the company and develop at our own pace with a focus on excellence and in a position to choose the contracts we really wanted.


  1. What is your initial assessment of this entrepreneurial adventure?

It is very positive of course. I am still experiencing the thrill of setting up my own company. The organization is still young and in the development phase and there is a lot more to be done, but one thing is certain: I definitely don’t miss my earlier career but I don’t reject it either. Having experience of both sides of the fence is really beneficial and a trump card on a daily basis. Who better than a manager/former employee to understand his staff? Who better than a director of development who managed the communication strategies of several key accounts to understand the expectations of clients as new developments arise?


  1. Have you ever benefited from the network of EDHEC graduates?

Not yet, but I would be delighted to. I am open to all kinds of collaborative proposals or partnerships.


  1. What advice do you have for young entrepreneurs?

Enjoy yourself! There is nothing worse than lacking motivation for what you do. Be creative, dynamic, proactive and, above all, don’t be afraid to take the plunge. I often quote Thomas Edison, who said: “There is no such thing as failure, only experiences”.


  1. What’s next for your company?

To establish lasting market leadership in the PACA region and increase our visibility at a national level.

Develop our network internationally with a view to exporting our expertise and also to promote the Côte d’Azur as a region for filming.

Strengthen our “Technical” unit to meet the new expectations of institutions and professionals while increasing our communication about the public utility of drones.


  1. What are your expectations from the community of EDHEC graduates (fundraising, looking for staff, partners, advice, etc.)?

For our development, we are keen to keep an eye out for new talent and would be delighted to take on new interns in the company.

We would also be pleased to study all kinds of collaboration proposals or partnerships.


  1. More info: your website, contact details, links to social networks...

DRONE 06 / 9, rue Battisti, 06300 Nice


Jean-Baptiste PIETRI

Managing Director

06 16 650 540




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