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Interview with Pierre-Olivier Brial (EDHEC 1996), CEO of Manutan




EDHEC Alumni: Pierre-Olivier Brial, hello. You currently serve as the CEO of Manutan. It’s been 18 years since you graduated from EDHEC, can you give us a summary of your career since 1996?

Pierre-Olivier Brial: I started my career with a consultancy firm, before participating in a start-up for a little less than two years, launching a community platform for students. When that experience came to an end, I joined Manutan to look after its online business. The web was just taking off, and Manutan were looking for someone who understood this new technology and had experience in project management. So I came in to develop its web-based activities. The company had decided to set up sites across Europe and for the first time was conducting a “group” project. It was a technological challenge involving all staff members with a view to ensuring that everyone would accept the new shared platform.

EA: What do you remember about your time in EDHEC?

POB: Mainly that it provided me with good general training. I only realised afterwards that my studies had given me a solid overview of a company’s activities. My experience with associations was also invaluable. As a member of the BDE, I learnt a lot about group work dynamics. I had never undertaken a project as part of a team.
I also remember the many friendships I developed. I made some very close friends that I continue to see today. Finally, it was a very intense period both in terms of academic studies and learning how to live my life.

EA: On the question of your EDHEC friends, have you had the opportunity at any time to benefit from the network of EDHEC graduates?

POB: I once recruited someone I knew from EDHEC, and I still refer to the network today. When Manutan wanted to set up a subsidiary in Russia, I got in touch with EDHEC graduates living out there. The network allowed me to gain access.
I am also contacted from time to time by EDHEC graduates looking for information or who would like to meet me. I’ve always been able to find available members when I needed them, so I try to make myself available too. For example, I was recently contacted by a student who wanted to meet me as part of his dissertation on “Content management in B2B”. I also recruited trainees from EDHEC a few years ago when Manutan launched a new activity. Finally, associations contact me quite regularly.

EA: So do you have any advice for current students? What is a company like Manutan looking for nowadays?

POB: Manutan has a staff of 2,000. My advice would be not to overlook companies of this size when looking for work. It is easy to be attracted by large groups or start-up entrepreneurship, but relatively large SMEs, although sometimes difficult to identify, can offer good careers with exciting missions and autonomy. What we are looking for in candidates is above all enthusiasm and involvement in the company and its projects. We sometimes meet candidates who have a slightly utilitarian vision of the job. We really appreciate those who show an interest in properly understanding the product, beyond simply doing their work.

EA: Manutan operates in B2B as a retailer for businesses. What do you anticipate will be the next innovations and developments likely to revolutionise your business?

POB: I think in the long term 3-D printing is likely to revolutionise our industry. In the future, clients might be able to use 3-D printers to procure many of the products that we currently deliver. So we might see a process of disintermediation, as we have seen on other markets (music, books, etc.). 

EA: What would you identify as EDHEC’s strengths?

POB: I feel there’s been quite an upheaval in the world of business schools, and EDHEC has managed to stick with the best. Its current strengths are the quality of its world-class facilities and its specialisation in finance, which gives it a good reputation internationally. It is seen as a serious institution that is innovative and belongs with the best.
EDHEC’s strength is that it is constantly on the move: the new campus in Croix and its recruitment of renowned finance professors are examples of this. It is a dynamic School that has always sought to evolve with the market.

> More information about Manutan

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