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If you are celebrating your graduation anniversary this year, this news may interest you...




This year you'll be celebrating 5, 10, 15... 55 years since you graduated from EDHEC? We're thrilled to invite you to a reunion day that will shake up the EDHEC campus in Croix on Saturday, October 14, 2023.

Here's a preview of what awaits you:

➔ A Master class that will send you to the stars, led by the renowned Olga Kokshagina, Professor
of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at EDHEC, Member of the EDHEC Chair in Innovation and
Foresight, Member of the National Digital Council.
➔ A playful afternoon that will take you back to the whirlwind of your best years, with the
presence of Emmanuel Métais, Dean of EDHEC Business School.
➔ Students to welcome you and engage in discussions with you about how it is to study at EDHEC in 2023.
➔ A dinner in town with your classmates
And many other surprises.

Conviviality will be at the heart of this day. We're counting on you!

I register

Get ready, because here is the year's revelation: you have superpowers!

To give meaning to your anniversary, use your superpower by participating in the 2023 Class Challenge, to try to become the most generous promotion (with the highest amount collected) or the most supportive (with the highest % of donors)! The challenge is open to everyone, even those who won't be able to attend on the 14th.

I support the new generation, I donate

The aim of the challenge is to support EDHEC students who need it the most by funding
scholarships. With your superpower, your donation is 66% tax deductible. Join us for this memorable day! 

Best regards,

Anne Guillon, EDHEC Foundation Director
Martin Barbier, EDHEC Alumni Director

For any questions about the EDHEC Foundation, please contact Sabine Courouble
+33 6 33 26 66 13

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