Solidarity is one of EDHEC's key values. A value that is shared by its graduates and which today animates our young people like Houley, Master EDHEC 2025 !
Like her, many of our students are taking action for equal opportunities by getting involved in the new EDHEC Talents Programme. This programme, which was created to combat social determinism from the outset, consists of long-term support for scholarship students by our student volunteers. With a single goal: to maximise their chances of success in our entrance exams.
These high school and college students see Houleye and all our student tutors as role models for success and inspiration.
You can help make these young people's dreams a reality! By making a donation to the EDHEC For All Scholarship Program, you are concretely embodying the solidarity that drives our community.
We are counting on you. Thank you in advance for your continued support!
Yours sincerely
Anne Guillon
Director EDHEC Foundation
EDHEC Class of 1990
Join the EDHEC donor community!
For any question about the EDHEC Foundation, please contact Sabine Courouble
06 33 26 66 13

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