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How to succeed in the USA? - Interview with Aymeric, consultant at CAPGEMINI San Francisco




Do you want to know more about career opportunities and tips to succeed an expartrication in the USA? Then read this brief interview with Aymeric (Grande Ecole 2006), International Management Consultant at CAPGEMINI in San Francisco.

What has been your career path since you  graduated from EDHEC?
> After graduating from EDHEC I got a position at Capgemini. After nearly 5 years in the Paris office, I asked for a new position in the San Francisco office. I've now been living here for 2 years with my wife.

What did the EDHEC network for you?
> I found my first job in Capgemini thanks to the alumni I met on the Annual Career Forum in Paris. Nowadays I often join networking events organized with the EDHEC Alumni Community in the San Francisco bay.

What made you move to the USA?
> I have been living in the USA for 5 years. I wanted to gain an experience abroad. Capgemini was offering job positions in their American offices. I chose San Francisco for the quality of life here.

What did your 2 first weeks in the USA look like? How was the welcome here?
> My first weeks were absolutely great. San Francisco is a very cosmopolitan city and local people are used to welcome foreigners.

What was the hardest time in your expatriation experience? How did you manage it?
> I think that the period between 6 and 12 month is a but hard for every expatriate. It is the period when you start having doubts and miss your family, friends and holidays! After long discussions on this subject, it seems that this doubt comes back after 3 years and then tend to vanish after a while. I fought these doubts by remembering how lucky I was to be able to settle here. I was also lucky to move with my wife and live this experience together.

Can you share some advice with EDHEC alumni who wish to expatriate?
First you need to be perseverant to succeed in your expatriation because it is a long and hard walk.  Then I think coming here first to meet the local Companies and recruters is crucial. Finally you need to keep in mind that there is a wide cultural gap between USA and Europe, especially in California. The way you work, communicate or live and even the american jokes are different! It is hard to see this difference at first sight but it is reel. You may need some time to adapt.

Interview made in San Francisco by Jérôme BERTHIAU (MSC Finance 2012)


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