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Estelle-Peng Li (MSc Marketing Management 2014), candidate for the EDHEC Commitment of the Year award




Candidate for the EDHEC Commitment of the Year award.


The international dimension has been an integral part of the journey of Estelle-Peng, who is originally from China. Having completed a course on teaching fine arts in Beijing, she headed to the United States, where she perfected her knowledge of fashion design and jewellery-making. She was attracted by the French lifestyle and joined EDHEC to complete an MSc in Marketing Management. She always had an appreciation for the manifestations of the luxury world and later complemented her craft skills with two additional diplomas: one in gemmology and the other in oenology.

Estelle-Peng is the only ambassador for the EDHEC Alumni Oenology and Luxury & Lifestyle clubs and organises an average of 1 to 2 events each month, either on the Paris campus or elsewhere. Enthusiasts and experts in attendance meet curious figures from all sectors, who come together to discuss topics linked to heritage and know-how.

She has always felt a connection with EDHEC because of the diversity of its international profiles, both during and after her studies. As a foreign national, Estelle-Peng feels perfectly at home in the community of alumni, whether in terms of her integration in France or the synergies generated by this rich panoply of identities.

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