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ENTREPRENEURSHIP : Inéosanté with Stéphane Saracino and Déodat de Carné (CSM 2013)




The team:
2 EDHEC graduates: Stéphane Saracino and Déodat de Carné (CSM 2013)

Their capital:
10,000 Euros plus 10,000 euros in a frozen partners’ current account

Their originality: 
Their aim is to get the health and insurance sectors to work together to achieve a common goal: improve healthcare. 

Their growth prospects: 
The business model has produced a client base of 10,000 for 2015, from a market of 20 million employees, not to mention all of the other categories!

How they met ?
Both men wanted to give fresh impetus to their careers. Stéphane left his job as an employee to pursue what he wanted to do, while Déodat was unhappy with his position in a multinational. They both aspired to develop the means to “achieve something”, which led them to EDHEC’s CSM programme. They met on the course and immediately took to one another. They became inseparable as each found in the other the creative freedom they were after. 

How did the idea come about? 
We drew our inspiration from Chinese medical philosophy and the blue ocean concept. Our curiosity and respective backgrounds – insurance banking and IT consulting – took care of the rest. 

What have the School and its network done for you? 
EDHEC provided us with the ideal combination between a financial expert/technician and a commercially-minded people person, who was also able to tap into his abilities while on the CSM programme. The School also improved our knowledge of business, which we previously understood in a way that was too general. The network gave us credibility… and a banker! Certain contacts came easily, as our interlocutor was also an EDHEC graduate. And of course we got support through the incubator, having been nominated as EDHEC YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS in 2014.

What are your expectations for the EDHEC network?
To belong to a network of exchanges, shared knowledge and key contacts in the business world, but also to be able to share our experiences, challenge one another and benefit from both the successes and failures of others, making the most of what we can share. 

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