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Entrepreneurship : Constantin Wolfrom and Hugo Salle de Chou (EDHEC 2014) present Pumpkin




These recent graduates are already full of ambition for their software application. Constantin Wolfrom and Hugo Salle de Chou (EDHEC 2014) outline their solution, designed to bring an end to complicated reimbursements between friends.

EDHEC Alumni Can you explain in a few words how Pumpkin came about?

Constantin Wolfrom : Pumpkin came about following a meeting between Hugo and myself. We were already friends and got chatting about our respective experiences when we returned from our year abroad. Hugo had been in San Francisco with Dailymotion, and I had been in Chad and Kenya. We had both used mobile payment solutions, Hugo had tried CtoC and BtoBtoC for me. We had a superb opportunity to start something!

EA : One year after the launch of your business, how would you assess this entrepreneurial adventure?

CW : We came up with the idea a year ago, and we’ve been working on it full time for eight months. I would say it has been an extremely rewarding human and intellectual experience, a fascinating entrepreneurial adventure.

EA : Have you ever benefited from the network of EDHEC graduates?  

CW  : We benefited from the EDHEC network by using the student network to promote Pumpkin. The support received from Jean Michel Ledru (head of the incubator EYE) has been a huge help and allowed us to move forward more quickly and in the right direction. During our last year, we also got help from the teaching staff at EDHEC, which was really useful in moving forward in a way that was more structured and ambitious. 

EA : What advice do you have for young entrepreneurs?


CW  : The idea itself doesn’t really matter, it will evolve no matter what, it’s up to you to listen so that it evolves in the right direction. You need time, so you may as well start your business while you are still a student. Be as pragmatic as possible, no dogma or ideology should come into play. Meet as many people as possible before you start properly, but only you should decide ultimately if the project is worth it.

EA : What’s next for Pumpkin?

CW : We want to develop Pumpkin’s reputation on a massive scale, raise funds and develop a network of partners. 

EADo you have expectations from the community of EDHEC graduates?  

We are looking for contacts in the banking sector generally, as well as mobile operators to develop partnerships.

More information

> Follow Pumpkin on Facebook
Follow Pumpkin on Twitter
> In vidéo 

Download the Pumpkin App'
> Applestore
> Androïd 

© photo : La Voix du Nord


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