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EDHEC Rendez-Vous is in France and also on an international scale!




The EDHEC Rendez-vous is our community's flagship event! Every year around June, it takes place in numerous cities around the world. Come and experience together the pride of being EDHEC and meet up with your classmates for an exceptional, festive and inspiring evening. #EdhecRDV

At the heart of this 2023 edition: Responsible Innovation!

Responsible Innovation is a perpetual process of ethical and sustainable innovation, aimed at building a more desirable future for society and the planet.
Commitment and collaboration, individual and collective responsibility, organisational sustainability, social and environmental issues, positive impact... So many inspiring notions and questions that we invite you to experiment and debate during our reunion.

Find your city:

France : 

- Bordeaux (coming soon)

- Lille

- Lyon  (coming soon)

- Marseille (coming soon)

- Nice

- Paris

- Rennes (coming soon)

- Saint-Paul à La Réunion

- Toulouse

Worldwide :

- Abidjan

- Amsterdam

- Barcelone

- Beijing

- Bruxelles

- Cologne

- Dubaï

- Genève

- Londres

- Los Angeles

- Munich (coming soon)

- New York

- San Francisco

- Shanghaï 

- Singapour

- Zurich (coming soon)

You can't find your city in the list and you want to organize this event? 

Contact Margot, in charge of international clubs:

More information on international clubs

Visit the EDHEC Alumni calendar and your local club page to join your EDHEC Rendez-Vous and enrich your network!

In order to be kept informed of all EDHEC events in your city or region, remember to update your profile and join the club of your choice.

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