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EDHEC NETWORK: it works !




Today, there is new proof that EDHEC plays a real role in helping our graduates find their way into the labour market.

We present you Delduc Lucie (GE 2013) and Olivier CLASSIOT (GE 1997).

On exchange in England last year, Lucie was already very interested in the field of sustainable development (a very competitive sector in France, with a limited number of players and therefore a real challenge for graduates ). She quickly identified the company "Des enjeux et des Hommes"  as one of French firms reference on the subject and decided to apply for the internship search.

Following the advice of job search, and inspecting the  website, she realised that one of the partners, Oliver CLASSIOT, is a graduate of EDHEC .

Olivier is also passionate about sustainable development. President of AIESEC EDHEC antenna, he participated in the monitoring of the Earth Summit in Rio (1992). After a marketing oriented course (L'Oréal ) and international ones (USA, Puerto Rico), Olivier founded the firm "Des enjeux et des Hommes"  with 3 other partners. At the same time, he invested in the creation of Tribu Développement (a network of people passionate about Sustainable Development and CSR) .

Although its first intern (2004) was an EDHEC, Olivier was surprised by the small number of EDHECs who applied. In 2012 he decided to work today with the EDHEC Chair Culture and society in order to generate " vocations ".

Olivier and Lucie could have previously met at an event Tribe Development but Olivier had , by his own admission , " lifted the foot with respect to the Tribe Development since the birth of her daughter " and Lucy was in England on exchange . But this encounter outside EDHEC makes them want to put some energy into this wonderful Tribu Développement project. Especially now that some founder members have become real "pros" in the industry.

To conclude, we proudly announce that Lucia has been hired full time at "Des enjeux et des Hommes"  . And the Tribe Development will soon hire two "new" active members! It's a beautiful way to illustrate the network .

Thank you to Lucie and Olivier for their testimony.

"Des enjeux et des Hommes" is a firm specializing in change management, and supports companies in France and overseas in order to expand their DD and CSR (corporate social responsibility) strategy.


Click here to download their presentation (In French)

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