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EDHEC joins the Culture & Management Club





EDHEC now belongs to the inter-school Culture & Management Club.


What’s the C&M Club?

The C&M Club is a community of professionals from the cultural sector who come together to reflect on strategic challenges. Members and supporters meet each month at events (conferences and debates and specific events) where they can chat informally in the presence of guests who specialise in the topic being addressed. You can find the full schedule for 2018-2019 here!

The club operates with a team made up of volunteers from member schools (see details of team here), who take turns organising the events throughout the year. Each member school has a delegate who serves as the contact person for students and graduates wishing to join the club.

The C&M Club also posts offers of jobs and internships in the cultural sector.



Registered? Supporter? Member?

The club offers various advantages for each status:

- You can simply register to receive newsletters and invitations to events.

- Only graduates and students from member schools can become members and access all events, job offers and the club’s private resources for a period of 1 year. Club members are required to pay an annual subscription of €80.

Register and sign up via the website:!

For each event, a link is made available on the club’s website and sent out by email to all newsletter subscribers to allow them register for the event, but you can still show up on the evening without registering.


Is there any link with the EDHEC Culture & Media Club?

The Culture & Media Club played a key role in proposing EDHEC as a C&M Club member school and continues to run its own activities. Throughout the year, it will be organising events (cultural outings and networking get-togethers) for all EDHEC members working in the cultural and creative sectors.

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