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EDHEC Global MBAs and Alumni Focus on Creating Win-Win Relationships with Executive Recruiters




At the recent panel discussion with Executive Recruiters entitled Optimizing your Job Search with Executive Recruiters, held in Paris, EDHEC’s Global MBA participants and Alumni gained a better understanding of why it is important to include recruitment firms as an integral part of their short- and long-term career strategy. Christophe Dulhoste, Associate Executive Division at Hays (, Richard Stewart, Managing Director of Mindbench Management Consultancy Recruitment (, Grégoire Beaurain, Managing Director of Walter Flynn International and EDHEC 1996 graduate,  and Rosemary Goater, EDHEC’s Head of International Relations (formerly Partner at Heidrick & Struggles Japan) unveiled the elements of the Recruiter- Client- Candidate relationship triangle and helped debunk the many myths about the role and practices of Executive Recruiters.

The Recruiters shared optimistic reviews of European job markets in Industry, Consulting, FMCG, Luxury, Supply Chain and more tempered prospects for Finance, with the exception of Risk, Control, Compliance and financial roles in corporations. Nicolas Dulhoste of Hays Paris pointed out that Europe, and especially France, remains an important market for international firms looking to expand, and they are looking for high level and specific profiles, emphasizing both hard and soft skills. The panelists’ experience spanned many countries including Canada, Japan, UK, US, France, China and the Middle East, providing a candid look at recruitment methods and practices in these markets. While recruitment skills may be similar from country to country,  local demands for languages or technical skills, scarcity of talent,  culture and mobility impact both candidate and client behaviors. They estimated that in Europe, recruitment firms handle about 25% of the market, with the figure going up as high as 50% in others.

Participants learned the value of creating lasting and win-win relationships with recruitment consultants, the importance of live, phone, and LinkedIN networking, and what to look out for when approaching and selecting a recruitment professional. Entrusting your personal brand to a consultant is an important decision, and the recruiter should create a dialog and inform you if your CV is being sent out to potential employers. Candidates can help their recruiters in turn by being professional and straightforward about their potential, by giving insight into their firms, referring recruiters to new contacts, and generally by keeping in touch, following up and engaging in the relationship long-term.  Lasting client relationships are vital to Executive Recruiters. They are earned painstakingly by taking the time and effort to truly know the client, understanding the client’s culture, strategy, challenges and growth plans and carefully building trust to become a valued advisor and provider of the right talent to the executive office. On the candidate side, an open, honest and respectful relationship has to be built up as well  – recruiters often accompany the same candidates through several positions, and know full well that today’s candidate may be tomorrow’s client.

The panel was followed by a cocktail, allowing EDHEC MBAs, Alumni and Recruiters to use their networking skills to begin those lasting relationships right away!

By Sandra Richez, Head of EDHEC Global MBA Career Services

Follow that link to see the pictures of the event

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