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EDHEC Finance Club News




22 September 2010:
The day after the adaptation to French law on 1st July 2010 of directive 2008/48/CE of 23 April 2008 on consumer credit agreements, generally known as the "Lagarde Reform", Edhec Finance Club invited you to a round-table on:
Consumer Credit and Today’s Challenges
with prestigious speakers offering a range of views on the topic:
- Nicolas PECOURT, Director of Prospects and Communication at Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance, and author of: "Un monde sans Crédit?,” published by éditions d'Organisation in March 2010
- Pascal ROUSSARIE, Head of the Credit watchdog at BNPP Cetelem
- Pierre BLANC, Founder and President of Cabinet Athling, who drew up a report on revolving credit for the finance sector’s consultative committee (CCSF) in December 2008 for the draft consumer credit law
- Frédéric LALANCE, Litigation Associate for Orrick Rambaud Martel legal practice, involved in the present consumer credit reform programmes.

Consumer credit may be a sector in difficulty at present but it finances 10% of household consumption, is a key driver of growth, and is considered a means of controlling the risk of over-indebtedness. It is now once again in the public eye following the unprecedented economic crisis which the world is finding it hard to burrow its way out of. The current downturn is underpinned by a lack of confidence, and the credit market is now being restructured with a new legal framework that aims to promote more responsible behaviour, preventing abuses and monitoring new economic models.
The diversity and complementarity of the speakers led to highly fruitful discussions on key Consumer Credit issues such as today’s market position and its evolutions, the credit crunch, the impact of the crisis on the present downturn, the new legal framework, litigation, and the development prospects for more responsible Credit in the future.

The conference was followed by a cocktail.

17 June 2010:
EDHEC Finance Club celebrated its revival at the Palais Brongniart with a conference on a fiercely topical finance issue:
The counter-productive impact of the ban on short selling
Abraham LIOUI, EDHEC Professor and member of EDHEC Risk Institute, presented his research findings which highlight the negative impact of the ban on market volatility in the context of the current economic crisis.

Carine Bedran (2009) and Thibault Chevalier (2008), Finance Club ambassadors, welcomed the many participants who arrived for the club’s official relaunch and set out its new objectives, namely, to give its members a chance to discuss, learn and share, as well as to build closer ties with EDHEC research centre in order to develop new synergies together.

Daniel Haguet (Finance Professor and Head of EDHEC’s Financial Economics Programme) then presented the school’s research centre strategy and how this tied in with the academic programme.

Discussions continued during an excellent cocktail held in the mythical salle de la corbeille in the Paris Stock Exchange, where stockbrokers continued to shout out quote prices to ensure transparency up until 1987.


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