Goaded on by the success of the 20th anniversary of the Class of ‘91 in Lille last year, the Class of ‘92 decided to take up the challenge and began its own reunion on June 1st. Paris or Lille? Lille or Paris? They decided to make it both to enable as many people as possible to come. After almost a year of preparations, including the creation of a Facebook group with 100 members, (in other words, almost a third of the class year), the hostilities began on the 1st June 2012, with a visit around EDHEC’s splendid Paris campus followed by a cocktail organised by Edhec Alumni, and then the rest of the evening spent in La Bombe bar, just next to Edhec Paris. If we clearly didn’t beat the record in terms of the number of kilometres covered by the Class of 91, we were delighted to welcome Antoine Bommelaer, currently in Singapore, who took advantage of a business trip to spend the evening with 62 of us, mostly Parisians but with a few visitors from Brest or Marseilles, for example. The evening was a great success with plenty of laughter and emotion, to the point that many of those who fought to keep the anniversary reunion just in Paris, are now ready to travel to Lille on October 6, as part of E-Day, when they’ll be able to visit the new campus, see how Lille has been modernised, and even make a short pilgrimage to rue du Port. By the end of May, no fewer than 30 people had already confirmed they would be coming in October. The aim was to convincingly beat the Class of 91 (who’ll have a chance to get their revenge in 5 or 10 years time), and to raise the bar high enough to make life difficult for the Class of 93 and its Class delegate, Alexis Rollin… EDHEC, yearbooks, videos, photos: help us to make our party the craziest yet. And why not dream a little? Maybe we can get our Class sponsor, Luc Besson, to come to Lille ?

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