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Edhec Alumni Campus Day: the Class of ‘91: a Cru that’s ageing really well!




80,000 kilometres… that’s the total number of kilometres that the EDHEC Class of 1991 travelled to the new Croix Campus on 8 October 2011 to celebrate the twentieth anniversary since they graduated. If the figure is not very ‘environmentally friendly’, it’s nonetheless reflects the effort made by many of us to relive the fraternity and enthusiasm of our student years.
It’s true that the Class of ‘Olivier Oger’, as we sometimes like to call ourselves (as we arrived at rue du Port at the same time as our Dean), preferred to wait twenty years for our first reunion, which could explain the emotion and intensity of the weekend!
Singapore, New York, Sarajevo, Moscow, Lisbon, Milan, Toulouse, Marseille, Lyon, Paris, … to bring together all the different accents after a day on the new and impressive EDHEC Campus that was practically studious, only a very exotic setting could match the occasion. 54 of us enjoyed the day on the campus, but 70 of us turned up at the Zango restaurant! Since then, 65 people have already joined our page on Facebook. It contains many nuggets from the period and has helped several of us to find friends we’d lost sight of over the few years, not to mention business plans and nappies.
We were deligheted to inaugurate this new ‘E-Day’ model (with the Prize for the best-represented Class) that looks set for a bright future. We enjoyed high-quality content (visit, presentations, conferences) and despite our, at times, somewhat student-like reactions, we really appreciated the effort made by our hosts, the School and the Association!

A reminder to the Classes of 92, 97, 2002 and 2007: don’t forget to make your big year 2012, it’s well worth it! As for us, we’re not going to wait another 20 years …
François Cadiergue

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