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EDHEC Alumni Campus Day: more than 400 graduates come together to celebrate their class reunions!




On Saturday 12 October, the classes of 1954, 1959, 1964, 1969, 1974, 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994 and 1999 from Lille (as well as a few courageous attendees from the class of 2004) came together in huge numbers to celebrate their reunions. An emotional return visit to Lille for the 400 participants who had the chance to catch up with old classmates and see how their school had changed.

For this 2019 edition, students and graduates from the EDHEC Executive MBA programme were also present to share in the spirit of EDHEC that unites us all.

Here’s a look back at some of the event’s highlights.

As soon as they arrived on the Croix-Roubaix campus, our alumni were welcomed in the large EDHEC auditorium by a smiling duo, Martin Barbier (EDHEC Master 1988), Director of EDHEC Alumni, and Axel Ramponi (EDHEC MSc Financial Management 2019), Strategy consultant at Accenture, who at the tender age of 24 brought the stage to life.  
    Jean-Gilles Barbier, who teaches on the EDHEC Executive Education programme for top managers, engaged his audience with a masterclass on the theme “Better behaviour for better management". He departed from the clichés of a traditional lecture, inviting all delegates to take part in a series of inclusive exercises designed to help them take a step back from their managerial perspectives.
That presentation was followed by a CIA initiative. This is an “inter-association competition” in which 9 EDHEC student associations take to the stage in an effort to convince the audience to grant them the €500 cheque being offered by EDHEC Alumni to make their project a reality. After a close contest, Ombre et la Plume, an association that works for the rehabilitation of detainees (adults and minors), won the support of delegates.  

In the afternoon each class had the chance to stroll around the campus accompanied by current students on a visit to the incubator, the student hall, the manor ... and test their knowledge about what the school has become in 2019.

This was an opportunity for our Masters graduates to recall memories from their time at EDHEC, while EMBA attendees had the chance to talk to Denis Dauchy, Professor of corporate strategy and director of the Executive MBA programme.

Later, Emmanuel Métais, Dean of EDHEC, spoke to graduates about the challenges that the school is committed to tackling in order to maintain the highest level of excellence and continue to have a positive impact on society. 

Anne Guillon (EDHEC 1990), Director of the Foundation, was next to speak, alongside donor Béatrice de Montille (EDHEC 1999) and two young student beneficiaries of the EDHEC Giving grant scheme, who spoke about the tangible impact that graduates can have by making donations. So let’s develop a culture of positive giving: give, receive and transmit.



  The evening came to an end with the usual class photos and some relaxed networking over drinks. Each class then left to have dinner together at a restaurant in Lille or at the on-campus brasserie.

Our thanks to all graduates and their companions who made these class reunions such a wonderful success. And a particular mention for the EMBA class of 2018, which won the award for the strongest participation, the class of 1999, which boasted the most attendees, and Robert Drugmanne (EDHEC 1954), returning for his 65th class reunion!!!

We would also like to thank the students from Total EDHEC Entreprendre and other student associations who contributed to the event and engaged with all the alumni present.



Photos from the 2019 EDHEC Alumni Campus Day 


The Class Challenge runs until 31 October! 
Support the student grant scheme or an entrepreneur by making a donation to EDHEC Giving. The most generous class and the class displaying the greatest solidarity will receive awards at the EDHEC Rendez-Vous in Paris in June 2020 and will feature on the wall of donors.


*About the EDHEC Executive MBA (EMBA) programme
EDHEC’s Executive MBA (EMBA) is a degree programme that enables experienced professionals (average age of 39) to develop a global vision of business and play an active role in transforming their company. Its unique approach is built on 3 pillars: Enhanced skills and a new perspective / Professional and personal development / Insights into the challenges of globalisation. 
Recognised among the top 10 courses in Europe and 20th worldwide (The Economist 2018 rankings)

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