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Donor of the month : Thomas Martignon, EDHEC 2016 and regular donor




"Even before joining EDHEC, I felt that the school was a good fit for me. This was confirmed during my studies and motivated me to get involved as much as possible while I was there. The experiences I had and the people I met at the school have had a profound impact on my life.

For me, giving back is a way to continue this involvement by helping current or future students to have a similar experience despite limited means, supporting entrepreneurs with great ideas, and contributing to EDHEC's initiatives in pedagogical innovation and research. That's why I wanted to make a long-term, recurring donation directly deducted from my account. It's very simple and only takes 3 minutes.

I am pleased to see that the donations made to the school are being used to finance scholarships that contribute to diversifying the student body, support and accompany future French start-ups (Yuka, 900Care, etc.), and finally, to strengthen the impact of the EDHEC brand around the world.

I can only encourage other EDHEC alumni to continue to contribute to the development of this school and to the training of future generations who will need to be ready to face the greatest challenges and, therefore, be trained by an excellent school with the means to achieve its ambitions."

Thomas Martignon
EDHEC 2016
Regular donor

For any questions about the EDHEC Foundation, please contact Sabine Courouble
+33 6 33 26 66 13


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