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Be REALISTIC about what you can offer and about what the company can give you




In order to avoid coming across as arrogant, make sure that you know exactly what your strengths are but also your weaknesses. Don’t sell yourself as an “expert” if you only have 6 months of experience in M&A or marketing. On the contrary, make sure you show them how this experience can help you do the job, but also let them know that you still have a lot to learn and that is why you see this job or internship as a great opportunity for you to continue to grow. And be ready to give an honest answer to the question “Why shouldn’t I hire you?”. Recruiters are impressed by candidates who show this kind of self-awareness.

As in any other type of successful relationship, there should be a balance between what you give and what you receive. Companies will not train you (or promote you or give you a raise) unless they see your results (or potential). And remember that the more experienced you are, the more negotiating power you will have.

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