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Tell them what you can offer THEM, what VALUE you bring to the team and company




Some recruiters complain that during the interviews, millennials mostly ask about what the company will do for them (in terms of growth, learning opportunities, free time and compensation) and say little about what they can do for the company.

A good way of making a positive impression is to tell them what value you can bring to the team: what skills do you possess in line with the job? Which competencies will allow you to perform above the average? What have you learned at school and in your previous internships that will allow you to do the job well?

All this is part of your “sales pitch”, the arguments you use to convince a company to hire you from among scores of other candidates. During your presentation of yourself (“Please, run me though your CV”), the motivational part of the interview (“Why do you want to work for Google?” “Why do you want to be an auditor?”), make sure you emphasize what you like, but also what you have learned or done in the past that will allow you to do the job extremely well.


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