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An International Year for the MBA in Nice




The new MBA Class in Nice boasts 22 nationalities among the 63 students enrolled, an intake up 50% compared to last year!
The induction seminar took place on 15 and 16 September in the Parc du Mercantour. The aim was to create a cohesive group through team-building exercises. During the two-day seminar, the students had to stay and work together in a completely unknown environment, with instructions to plant the MBA flag on the top of the Parc du Mercantour!

The programme has changed slightly this year, and students will now choose one of the 3 Tracks offered at the end of the programme: Finance, Global Leadership or Entrepreneurship. There are also new Business Trip destinations: Silicon Valley, London (EDHEC Campus) and Singapore (EDHEC Campus).
A Career Centre has also been set up for the MBA students, called the “Career SMART programme.”
The full-time, 10-month course is delivered entirely in English. It is designed for experienced managers who wish to embark on a new direction in their career.

Click here to see the new brochure

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