Focus on the Management Certificate in Criminal and Terrorist Risks
Delivered by EDHEC Business School and a state organisation (the INHESJ), the Management Certificate in Criminal and Terrorist Risks is a programme that covers the main practical tools available, protection against terrorist attacks, counterfeiting, fraud, money laundering, kidnapping, piracy, cybercrime, ...
You can download the presentation brochure below to get a better idea of what the course can offer you or your staff and its main features and opportunities. To join the programme which begins its 3rd year (2011/2012) in November 2011, send in your application to join us now.
Link to the IMARISC brochure:
Link to candidate application form:
The Chair also offers two other courses:
• The Information Retrieval and Internet Intelligence certificate from 21 to 25 November 2011
• The Counter Money Laundering certificate from 14 to 18 November 2011
More information on the EDHEC website:

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