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A closer look at the Solidarity Fund with Sandrine Dufour (Class of 1996)




Sandrine Dufour is a graduate of the EDHEC International BBA programme (Class of 1996) who contributes in various ways to the life of the EDHEC Alumni network. She sponsored the class of 2008 and served as a recruiter and an elected member of the EDHEC Alumni Board of Trustees from 2019 to 2022.

Sandrine is involved in the Solidarity Fund and here explains the intentions behind the scheme and the way it is organised. 

How did the Solidarity Fund come about and why did you want to get involved?

On 3 April 2020, the EDHEC Alumni Board of Trustees convened for a highly unusual session. We were at the very beginning of the Covid lockdown and the pandemic was causing upheaval in our environment, our natural reflexes and our capacity to adapt. During that meeting, the board approved the launch of solidarity-based initiatives on several levels. These reflected the 3 EDHEC Alumni pillars: SHARE, CARE, DARE.

The Solidarity Fund is an initiative that emerged in the midst of a crisis, when we sensed that some people would find themselves in circumstances they had never imagined. Complex situations, crises that would require some kind of help for all graduates affected.

It was important for us to create this additional foundation.

And I probably felt immediately drawn to the project as it reflected my own past. I myself went through a personal crisis when a few years ago I lost the father of my daughter very suddenly and at a very young age. This was also a project that I knew would benefit from all of my experience and expertise in my twofold capacity as a professional coach and therapist.

How does the Solidarity Fund help graduates going through a life crisis?

The Solidarity fund on the EDHEC network to offer a presence, an additional and different form of support to help the person through the difficult times.

We wanted to put in place a unique support process through a certified professional coach and expert in the different fields of therapy. We had in mind a process that would be non-invasive and as effective and accessible as possible, with a view to respecting confidentiality of course. 

We ask those looking for support to fill in a short form.

Then our expert coach, Nathalie, meets them (by videoconference or in person) to discuss their situation in order to better identify their needs and guide them using the resources of the Solidarity Fund. This professional coach comes from outside the EDHEC network. We chose her for her skills, her humanity and her capacity to accompany people in a position of vulnerability. 

Following this initial meeting, she recommends tailored support for each individual to the members of the Solidarity Fund, who then oversee the response given, taking into account the unique life path of each person so as to offer them a tailored response suited to their needs, in respect of EDHEC’s values and commitments.

We offer some applicants support through a few sessions of professional or therapeutic coaching so they can mobilise the necessary resources, while for others we reach out to the EDHEC Alumni network or provide emergency financial assistance. The answer might also be a combination of different actions. 

No two dossiers are considered in the same way! Our aim is to restore the person’s essence, help them return to their path to growth and renew their confidence and independence.

What would you like to say to EDHEC graduates facing a life crisis?

Any one of us can be affected one day. Life is not linear, we can all face challenges which we never would have imagined, since life crises can come in many forms. In such circumstances, we tend to turn inwards and not instinctively reach out to others for help.

The Solidarity Fund and EDHEC Alumni association welcome each member with benevolence.

There are more than 53,000 alumni and many of us don’t follow a “traditional” path. Our shared characteristic is that we have been educated at the same school, a bit like a small seed that is in all of us and helped develop the person we are today. 

The Solidarity Fund is for any one of us who might find themselves facing difficult times. We will welcome them with an open mind and solidarity, and always without judgement.


The Solidarity fund, launched in emergency circumstances, is now an integral part of the EDHEC Alumni network’s various schemes. Each request is confidential and everyone who works on an individual case is required to adhere to a charter of confidentiality.


  • if you are an EDHEC graduate and are facing a life crisis, whatever it may be, reach out to us:
  • if you know an EDHEC graduate who is facing a life crisis, encourage them, with the utmost benevolence, to get in touch with us!


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